Blog Archive

Sunday, January 25, 2015

I'm Baaack!

I've been absent from the blogging world for a little while now. Part of that was The other part was because we we've been working on shifting things over to the Cheeky Nest and doing non-stop projects. However, as I increasingly lay awake at night thinking of all the fun stuff I am NOT blogging about, I thought it was time to get back in the game. If only to help me sleep better at night. So pardon our dust while we still work through some kinks on the blog, but I am super excited to get posting again. I have a TON of fun and easy (always easy) DIY tutorials that I've been wanting to share. Then of course there's my ADD decorating - always moving, always changing. It'll be crazy and a little bit spazzy, but fun for sure Hold on tight!!

*pic via 

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